Lizel Strömberg

Pride Festival: Parade | London
During our visit in London, we got the opportunity to see the festivity during the Pride Festival. 
I haven't attended the Pride Festival before, cause I tend to be busy whenever the Festival are hold in Gothenburg. So I was very excited to see the parade for the first time! I loved seeing a big part of the town was taking part of the Pride Festival. It was also nice seeing that many people there supporting the LGBT community. Personally, I'm supporting equal rights regardless where you come from, your ethnicity, colour of your skin, gender and sexual orientation you have. Everyone should have the same human rights!
The Parade which was walking all over town, was so big! I've never seen such a long parade! I loved all the colours, happiness and proudness I saw around the Parade. It was so much fun seeing all the different people who took part in the parade.
Even police officers and firefighters took part in the parade to show their support. 
The different organisations which took part of the parade had these stickers to give out to people to promote their organisation. I don't even know how many stickers I ended up having in the end of the day. :P
Next year I hope to be able to attend the Pride Festival in Sweden. It might not be as big as the one in London, but it could be fun to see the difference from the one in London and the one in Sweden. :)