Thinking back on memories to write down is much harder than you would think. I think writing stories and keeping someone's interest with texts are an artform in itself which I'm still trying to learn. Having pictures to look back on to a time before the present, can help you jog your memory. ❥ I'm aware that I'm a day late with my Filipino Friday post but I couldn't make it to the deadline yesterday as I wasn't feeling energetic and productive to being able to finish the text to it. In this post I will be sharing photographs yet again from my trip to The Phillipines. I will take you back to the day we went to Mayon Planetarium & Science Park.
To get to the Planetarium and the Science Park we took the mopeds/motorcycles again. First time I ride one of those in The Philippines, I had to do the most to keep my calm and not panic as anxious I was. But this time, I was much more calmer and actually enjoyed riding on the moped. I had to make sure though, that the person driving was someone who was more experience with driving and being in traffic, or else I wouldn't go with them.
Mayon Planetarium & Science Park is located in Albay, it's about 854 meters above sea level and are by the foot of Mayon the Volcano. I've been at this place many times before with my family but I didn't mind going there again. I wanted to get a new sight of the place and try to get new kinds of photos of it.
Here's a photo of all of my security guards (+ two friends to them who's behind the camera) who accompany me that day. Haha. In my family we always make jokes about my cousins being my security guards as most of them are guys and they always walk in numbers around me, so it kind of looks like they are protecting me which they also do. For people who doesn't know us, must think it's such a weird sight to see one single girl with all of these guys. I for sure have been getting A LOT OF weird looks and laughs on my trips to the Philippines.
It was quite a ride to get to the Planetarium but I really enjoyed seeing the surroudings and feel the air rushing through my hair. Once we came to the top we walked around the park, took some photos, enjoyed the view and the company of each other.
I like this photo of my cousin Erwin, he has this cool look and it's not often I capture him in photos as he's always somewhere else, taking his own photos and is a bit shy. But I'm glad he was around for this trip!
Taking candid shots of people in a country where they spot you immediately make things a bit harder than usual, but I guess it comes with practice.
When taking this photo of the stairs, I wanted to wait in a particular spot for me to get a better angle and have all of my cousins walking upwards. It was a bit more tricky than I first thought as many of them waited for me to come with them and kept looking back to me and check if I was okay. I had to tell them a couple of times, I was okay and was only waiting to get my photo. Haha a bit funny but still sweet of them.
Landscape photography isn't something I've done much since I started taking photos. I'm not very proud over these kind of photos that I've taken as I have a lot to learn. Landscape photography is definitely something I need to get better at. But I still want to share these photographs to give you a sense of the view we saw and for my own sake to look back at in the future when I hopefully have become much better at taking this kind of photos. Already until recently when I edited these photos, I've come to realize some of the mistakes I did when taking these photographs so hopefully until next time I know how to take them better.
One of the mistakes I made when taking the trip to the Planetarium was to not bring a sweater. It was very windy there and much colder than I remebered. It was bareable though as long as we kept walking and not standing still for too long. I don't know if it usually are that windy when you go there. But if you go to Mayon Planetarium & Science Park don't wear a loose fit top as I did since it would fly up and show my stomach and almost my brah. Haha. I even had to tuck in my top in my pants to make sure it didn't flew up in my face. xD
I must say, when heading back home to Lola reaching a lower ground the tempature would become much warmer and it was so nice! You could feel the cold breeze over you leave as you got closer and closer to the village.
That was it for this time. I hope you got something out of this post. I had a bit of a hard time knowing what to write as nothing major really happened during the time at the science park. It was just a nice calm day with my relatives to spend time together. Hopefully you at least liked seeing the pictures I captured.
Until next time, ingat!