Lizel Strömberg

Cherry Blossom | Hanami 2018
This blog post is a collaboration with my friend Carol. We have decided that we wanted to do more collaborations with each other and our content as both of us are photographer. We thought that it would be fun to see how our different styles in photography shows in our work. We will start simple with sharing photographs from an event we went to in the end of April. 
Every year, "Botaniska Trädgården in Göteborg helds an event to celebrate the Japanese tradition "Hanami". The weather has been cold and rainy for a while and I was a bit unsure if the cherry blossom had been able to blom at all before this event. 
Unfortunately, the trees hadn't blommed no where near as much as previous years. We decided to not let it stopped us to have a nice day anyway. 
It was nice to just walk around the park, not having to worry about needing to be somewhere else or stressing about making sure I get enough of photographs for content. This day was just about taking the time to hang out with Carol and practice to capture something else other than concerts photography. 
We found blossom for us to enjoy seeing and capturing in photographs. There was only small amount of flowers and one bigger tree that would make good to take photos of. Taking photos of flowers might not be what I'm used to photograph but I enjoyed the challenge and seeing all the people that also were there to appreciate the flowers. 
I really liked walking in the park and hearing all kinds of languages around me. It was all from Japanese, Arabic, German, Danish, Filipino, Swedish and English in different accents. It was very nice feeling the diversity. 
I can go out by myself to photograph and that's fine, but it's always way more fun to have Carol wtih me. She has such a good spirit and we have a lot of fun together. Whether it's to photograph or just hang out at home to catch up. After our stroll in the park we went out for a Fika since we hadn't been eating during the whole day because we were just busy with taking photographs and enjoy each other's company.
If you want to check out Carol's photographs from this event and to see how our different styles in photography shows in our work despite taking photos of the same thing looks like. By doing that you see more of the personal touch to our work. That angles, editing and approach are very different from one and other photographer that despite taking photos of the exact same event can look different in others eyes. 
It's not often I share photographs of Carol but when I'm allowed to, I'm happy to do so. If you want to check out Carol's photograhs from the "Hanami" event, here's a link to her blog post: 
Let us know what you think about this kind of collabaration in the comments section below, or give me feedback on my social medias as Instagram or Twitter. Is this a fun idea? Would like to see more of this? 
Until next time, ingat!